Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our Story

Most of you already know we are adopting from China. There is a story behind it. My husband has been ready for quit some time, but I wasn't sure that I was. I was confused as to what we were suppose to be doing. I was not sure if I was to be a helper and a prayer for the other families in our church who have and are adopting or exactly what I was suppose to do. For about the last six months I have been researching different countries and adoption agencies. It seemed that everytime I thought oh yes I would like to adopt from there, the country would be temperary closed to adoption. This went on until about two and a half weeks ago. For three weeks in a row I would be singing on Sunday in church and would just start crying for what I thought was no reason. On Sunday September 14th I was crying so I closed my eyes and began to pray I wanted to know why. When I opened my eyes a beautiful little girl from China was staring me in the face. That is when I broke down and told my friend Connie that I was ready. The Lord will make you listen even if he has to smack you in the face every now and then. I now realize that as I was doing my research before that the reason every country was closed was because that was not where we were suppose to go. We are suppose to go to China!


Connie J said...

Praise the Lord for His awesome plans. He knew all along where and when your heart would be broken. Love you guys!!!

April said...

I am so excited for you and your blog, it is a wonderful way to share your journey and journal about all the emotions that come wtih adoption..... That I will soon understand completely. I am so exctied to be doing this journey with you and I am so excited that you listend and was obident to what God has been saying to you. Your story is incredible and it is only going to get better and better. Your testimnony is perfect and I cant wait to hear it in church!!!!!

Jodi said...

What a wonderful friendship you three have! And wonderful support system! We have a young church in which many have had their eyes and hearts opened to adoption since we brought Jailyn home! Hoping and praying more beautiful children are united with their forever families!!!
I will be following your blog and April and Connie's and praying for all to go smoothly!

~ Jodi Sue