Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Here she is!!!!

The transaction went smooth..she was asleep. Here are some pictures of her still asleep on our hotel bed. It could be interesting when she wakes up!!!!


April said...

Oh how precious!!!!! Cant wait to see her in your arms! The Lord is with you, and we are still praying for Alyssa, Dale and you! Love you!

Connie J said...

A.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.! I hope everything went well when she woke up :) We are praying for Alyssa's transition and your journey home! Love you all!

Braznee (Your Big Baby Girl) said...

I've got the most BEAUTIFUL baby cuzin in the whole entier world!! I cant wait to see her! I love you and miss u and Uncle Dale so much! I'm ready and I'm sure you are to to be home! :-) Have a safe flight home!

Erica said...

I am so sorry I haven't commented on your blogs:( She is so precious and I hope that when she woke up all went as good as it could! I can not wait to see her and you guys back here! You are all in my prayers! :) Love ya all!!!